Sunday, August 24, 2008

Induction flu

I am thinking I am experiencing the Induction flu. I looked it up and I found out that this is normal and it is temporary. It is basically like I am withdrawing from sugars like an addict withdraws from drugs. It is actually a good sign that my body is reacting to this change in diet and I will feel better once I get acclimated to this way of eating.

At the beginning of induction phase, you will be withdrawing from sugar and caffeine. For these substances to leave your system, it may takes around 3 to 7 days. During this period, you may find that withdrawal from these substances causes you to have nausea, headaches, "brain fog" , diarrhea, and muscle cramps. This is also known as "induction flu." If you suffer from these symptoms take heart- they are very temporary. Soon, you will wake up fresher and more energetic than you’ve had in years, your moods will stabilize, and your hunger will disappear.


Vikki said...

I had cold sweats, chills, shook all over, felt like crap for 2 days. But when it passed I felt great!!

Unfortunately I made some bad choices and ended up going off plan and regained 50 of the 80 I had lost.

I started again last year after 4 years. This time I only cut to 30 net carbs instead of doing induction. I didn't experience any of the flu like symptoms this time.

The worst part about falling off the wagon is that I gave up my golden ring... second time around I'm losing much slower. I don't mind, just as long as I'm losing right?

Hope you feel better,

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog site! Good luck getting over the dreaded "Atkins Flu". It will pass though. I've added you to my blog role. Cheers!


Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support. Ticker
