Thursday, December 11, 2008

I have to learn

I have to learn to love myself.

I have to learn to love my body. This body gave birth to two beautiful baby girls.

I have to learn to believe that it is possible for my husband to find me attractive even at this weight.

I have to learn not to let my weight and my diet be the measure of my success.

I have to learn not to see myself as hideous. Attitude is 90% of sexy. I need to feel that weight is not what makes you sexy, you are what makes you sexy. Once I get into that headspace, it is easier for me to lose weight, to feel better about myself, to believe that I am worth this.

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Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support. Ticker
