Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Little Weight Watchers

10 Little Weight Watchers

10 little weight watchers joining in a line,
one hated vegetables, then there were nine.
9 little weight watchers say, "This is great."
One said I don't have time to exercise,"
then there were eight.
8 little weight watchers say, "This is heaven."
One had a birthday, then there were seven.
7 little weight watchers, getting thin for kicks.
One said, "Programs and fun just don't mix,"
then there were six.
6 little weight watchers, see how they thrive.
One said, "Just once won't hurt,"
then there were five.
5 little weight watchers beating at a door.
One weighed and left each week,
then there were four.
4 little weight watchers from fat getting free.
One heard, "Dear you're getting too thin,"
then there were three.
3 little weight watchers see how they do.
One went on vacation, then there were two.
2 little weight watchers, life has just begun.
One got off the program, then there was one.
1 little weight watcher standing all alone,
the body's gotten little, how the pride has grown.
1 little weight watcher,

at goal she (he) looks divine.
We, each one of us, can be that one

and not the other nine!!!


Vikki said...

me me me I want to be that one!

Anonymous said...

Very cute

Anonymous said...

Very cute


Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support.

http://www.atkinsdietbulletinboard.com Ticker
