Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Coconut Bark

Coconut Bark

2 tbsp coconut oil
1-2 tsp. splenda
1 tbsp. cocoa

Melt coconut oil in small pan. Once clear (like water), add cocoa and let bubble for a few secs. Add splenda and mix well. Pour mixture into a shallow dish that is lined with tin-foil (a sandwich plate with a lip works well). Place in freezer and take out when solid. Break up into smaller peices.

*** This recipe can be increased in size --

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Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support. Ticker
