Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weight Watchers Momentum Points

You can still refer to your TurnAround materials as the changes for Momentum are few:

1. All liquids, except alcohol, can count toward your 6 cups of liquid -- yes, water, coffee, juice, milk -- and many do love this change.

2. All are encouraged to choose from the Filling Foods list as often as possible. The Filling Foods list is essentially the Core foods list minus oils, seasonings, condiments, and some beverages.

3. If you liked the Core program, Momentum offers an alternative tracking technique, the Simply Filling technique. It is basically Core with a new emphasis on assessing hunger level both before and after eating, and paying attention to portion sizes. (Assessing hunger level before eating is an addition to Momentum, not just the Simply Filling technique.)

4. Thirty minutes of activity most days of the week has been added to the Good Health Guidelines, also found in this thread.

5. You can carry over earned APs through your entire tracking week

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Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support. Ticker
