Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss - Acceptable Foods List

Welcome to freedom, variety and Ongoing Weight Loss. Combine this list with all the options from Phase I and you’ve got a broader selection of foods to choose from. So enjoy, keep your eye on the end goal and welcome to Phase 2.

During OWL, you add higher carb foods back into your diet – 5 daily Net Carbs per week. You can move beyond vegetables to other foods, such as nuts, seeds and berries. Although you will be eating primarily natural, unprocessed foods, you will find an increasing number of convenience foods – choices that help even busy people stay on track.

The Power of Five

In the recommended portions, these foods each contain roughly 5 grams of Net Carbs (total carbs minus fiber).

Dairy Serving Size Net Carbs
Cottage cheese 1% ¾ cup 4.7
Heavy cream ¾ cup 4.8
Mozzarella cheese 5 ounces 3.0
Ricotta cheese ¾ cup 5.7
Ricotta cheese ¾ cup 5.7

Nuts and Seeds Serving Size Net Carbs
Almonds 30 nuts 5.2
Brazil nuts 10 nuts 4.0
Cashews 9 nuts 4.4
Hulled sunflower seeds 6 tablespoons 5.0
Macadamias 12 nuts 4.0
Pecans 10 halves 3.0
Pistachios 50 nuts 5.0
Walnuts 14 nuts 5.0

Fruits Serving Size Net Carbs
Blueberries (fresh) ¼ cup 5.1
Cantaloupe or honeydew ¼ cup 3.5
Raspberries (fresh) ¼ cup 3.6
Strawberries (fresh) ¼ cup 2.6

Juices Serving Size Net Carbs
Lemon juice ¼ cup 5.2
Lime juice ¼ cup 5.6
Tomato juice ¼ cup 4.9

Convenience Foods

Many of the foods listed above are available conveniently packaged to go at the market or convenience store – feel free to grab and go – just note the serving size, and subtract fiber from total carbs to get Net Carbs.

And remember, Atkins bars and shakes are super convenient too, And every single flavor is allowed in Phase 2. So be busy, be happy and be well fed.

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Come on in for a nice cup of coffee and a chat about my weight loss journey as well as all the healthy recipes I have found, including WW points and/or nutritional information if available. I am eating a vegetarian diet and concentrating on getting healthy and hopefully weight loss will follow. Thank to all my readers for their ongoing support.

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